
Do Activities

Here we describe how to use OHCOACH equipments to collect data in trainings and matches of your team.

To Start

Wear Vest and Insert Cell

A Cell searches for GPS signals right after the power is turned on. From the moment the Cell enters GPS reception mode, measured data are stored in it.
Wear the Vest.
Power on the Cell and wait for it to enter GPS reception mode. ( Power on Cell (Receive GPS) )
Insert the Cell into the Cell pocket on the back of the Vest with the front of the Cell facing out.
Cell's GPS antenna is located on the front of the Cell. If the Cell is inserted into the pocket in the wrong orientation, GPS reception may not be accurate. Be sure to insert the Cell into the pocket in the correct orientation.
Cell is waterproof enough to IPX6, so it is safe to wear on a rainy day.

To Finish

Remove Cell from Vest

A Cell stops recording data as soon as the power is turned off.
Take off the Vest.
Remove the Cell from the Cell pocket on the back of the Vest.
Power off the Cell. ( Power off Cell )
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