
Run Effort

How do we detect it?

Fitogether’s Run Effort is defined as an action which starts from a point right before a point where player’s speed exceeds the required minimum threshold and ends at the last point at which player’s speed is over the required minimum threshold.
Sprint detection without tolerance time. Actions with speed over 25.0km/h and minimum duration of 0.6s was set to be detected as Sprints.
Dots on the graph above represent speed data collected per 0.1 second by OHCOACH Cell and the coloured areas represent the time where speed data points were over 25.0km/h.
In this case, data points above 25.0km/h with minimum duration of 0.6 seconds were the requirements for sprint detection, thus, two sprints were detected.
These two sprints were individually detected because player’s speed dropped slightly below 25.0km/h for only 0.2 seconds then went back up. This particular case would actually be observed as a single sprint motion because human eye can’t detect speed decrease that happened for just only 0.2 seconds.
In order to provide a better analysis, a tolerance time setting of 0.5 seconds had been applied to prevent detecting multiple actions that is actually is a single Run Effort. Below graph shows the same case detected as one single Sprint.
Sprint detection with tolerance time of 0.5 seconds.