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참고 문헌

Rampinini, E., Coutts, A. J., Castagna, C., Sassi, R., & Impellizzeri, F. M. (2007). Variation in top level soccer match performance. International journal of sports medicine28(12), 1018-1024.
Bradley, P. S., Sheldon, W., Wooster, B., Olsen, P., Boanas, P., & Krustrup, P. (2009). High-intensity running in English FA Premier League soccer matches. Journal of sports sciences27(2), 159-168.
Di Salvo, V., Baron, R., González-Haro, C., Gormasz, C., Pigozzi, F., & Bachl, N. (2010). Sprinting analysis of elite soccer players during European Champions League and UEFA Cup matches. Journal of sports sciences28(14), 1489-1494.
Barnes, C., Archer, D. T., Hogg, B., Bush, M., & Bradley, P. (2014). The evolution of physical and technical performance parameters in the English Premier League. International journal of sports medicine35(13), 1095-1100.
Bush, M., Barnes, C., Archer, D. T., Hogg, B., & Bradley, P. S. (2015). Evolution of match performance parameters for various playing positions in the English Premier League. Human movement science39, 1-11.
Harper, D. J., Carling, C., & Kiely, J. (2019). High-intensity acceleration and deceleration demands in elite team sports competitive match play: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Sports Medicine49(12), 1923-1947.
Delves, R. I., Aughey, R. J., Ball, K., & Duthie, G. M. (2021). The Quantification of Acceleration Events in Elite Team Sport: a Systematic Review. Sports Medicine-Open7(1), 1-35.
Akenhead, R., Hayes, P. R., Thompson, K. G., & French, D. (2013). Diminutions of acceleration and deceleration output during professional football match play. Journal of science and medicine in sport16(6), 556-561.
Russell, M., Sparkes, W., Northeast, J., Cook, C. J., Love, T. D., Bracken, R. M., & Kilduff, L. P. (2016). Changes in acceleration and deceleration capacity throughout professional soccer match-play. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research30(10), 2839-2844.