
Understand OHCOACH Terms

Learn the terms used in OHCOACH to use OHCOACH properly.

What is Data?

Data refer to Any Type of Data Collected from OHCOACH Cells.

The data collected from OHCOACH Cells, Fitogether’s wearable devices, include a variety of information such as the player's position, speed, and movement. In addition, heart rate data is also available when synced with a separate heart rate sensor. Without the OHCOACH Cell, OHCOACH data cannot exist. At any given time, a Cell collects a series of data, and this information is unique. So, the OHCOACH data is named with the serial number of the source OHCOACH Cell to be identified. In other words, since this information is about which device(Cell) the data was collected from, the identity of the data already collected cannot be changed.

Data have Beginning and End.

Data is collected while the OHCOACH Cell is powered on. The beginning and the end of the data is from the time the powered on OHCOACH Cell starts data measurement to the time the Cell is powered off. A data is continuous as time series data, but multiple data are countable and are not continuous. For example, if a Cell is turned on and off, and measuered data three times, the Cell contains three OHCOACH data.

Data are Ingredients for Analysis.

All analysis provided by OHCOACH is based on OHCOACH data. In other words, if the data does not exist, the analysis results cannot exist either.

Data must have an Owner.

An OHCOACH Cell is used by a player, and the Cell collects the player's data. OHCOACH data is data of a specific player. For data to be meaningful for analysis, it must match to a player the data came from. Since data is identified with the information of the used Cell, when a player and a device(Cell) are matched, the data will have the matched player as the owner.

What is an Activity?

An Activity is the Largest Unit of Exercises.

An activity is a collection of exercises, such as training or match, that occur by specific athletes at a specific time and location. In OHCOACH, activities are the basic unit of analysis. An activity has properties such as type, title, time, location, and participating players.

An Activity is a Data Collection.

Multiple players can be in an activity, and the data of the participating players become the data of the activity. For data analysis, an activity should be a time range that covers meaningful data.

What is a Session?

A Session is a Smaller Unit of Exercises Under an Activity.

An activity consists of multiple sessions. For example, in a training activity, training programs such as warm-up and SSG(small-sided game) can be divided into sessions. Alternatively, an activity of match may have sessions such as first half, second half, etc. A session has properties such as type, title, time, and participating players.

A Session is a Data Collection.

Multiple players can be in a session, and the data of participating players become the data of the session. Like an activity, a session should be a time range that covers meaningful data.

The Session Properties are Activity-Dependent.

A session belongs to an activity, and the session is dependent on the properties of the parent activity. For example, the time range of the session must be included in the time range of the activity, and the participating players of the session must be part of the players of the activity.
( Related Contents : Create/Edit/Delete Session )

What is a Player Group?

A Player Group is a Semantic Collection of Players.

A player group has multiple players, and a team can have multiple player groups. For example, it can be divided into the best 11 and reserved group, rehabilitation group, etc. You can filter or group analysis results by player groups.

What are Metrics?

Metrics refer Numbers in the Analysis Results.

The OHCOACH data is analyzed and calculated to be OHCOACH metrics. OHCOACH Analytics calculates time-series data, such as position, speed, and movement, collected from Cells for activities or sessions and creates meanings as OHCOACH metrics. For example, there are total distance, HSR distance, and number of sprints in the metrics.

Metrics should be Optimized for the Team.

How metrics are calculated is not absolute. For the right interpretation of metrics, the analysis parameters must be adjusted according to the gender, age group, and various conditions of the team. In OHCOACH Analytics, you can set the speed zones, action detection conditions, etc. in the analytics settings to get the metrics optimized for your team.

Metrics are Expressed in Many Ways.

A metric is a number by itself, but it can be visualized as a chart in many different ways. Even the same metric can be interpreted differently depending on how it is expressed, such as a bar chart, line chart, or pie chart. You can also derive new insights by comparing to other metrics.
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